South Dakota
South Dakota's regions are as diverse as they are beautiful and can easily be explored by car when you have left your ranch holiday or we can help you plan a fly-drive holiday.
Ranches in South Dakota
- No ranches in this state

The history of the region includes legendary figures such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Custer, who led his 1874 expedition into the Black Hills, starting the last great gold rush. Others such as Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock shaped the wild frontier town of Deadwood, which lives up to its Old West image but now with legalized gaming.
Ghost towns, nestled quietly in more remote areas of the Hills, may still be explored. More than 62,000 American Indians live in South Dakota today. Many towns, lakes and landmarks have Indian names. Galleries display tribal art and there are pow-wows (celebrations of dancing and singing) held throughout the year.
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - in August. Motorcyclists enjoy South Dakota's wide-open spaces. Be sure to review South Dakota's motorcylce driving laws.
Buffalo Roundup - in September. Feel the thunder and join the herd. Watch cowboys and cowgirls as they roundup and drive the herd of 1450 buffalo into the buffalo corrals. Following the actual roundup, stay and watch as park staff sort, brand, and vaccinate the herd in preparation for the fall Buffalo Sale.